
Cash Lagoon

How To Make Money Online By Blogging - All You Need To Know

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Make Money Online Blogging

Making money on the internet has become a profession in these days. Because of the economic crisis, lots of people with no jobs are looking for ways to make money from home.

Here I will show you the benefits of one system that can make you money online. That system is "Blogging". Blogging is the way for people like me and you to publish our content so that visitors from all around the world can actually see it.

So, how can I make money online by blogging?

Here is a step by step list of the overall process of making money online by blogging:

  1. Find your niche - You need to find what you want to promote, what you want to make money of. Ask yourself this question: "What do I want to write about?" Lets say you think about "Dog food" because you love dogs.
  2. Find Affiliate programs for your niche - Search in Google for the term: "[your niche] + affiliate". If we are using the dogs sample, we will search "dog food affiliate". This way you can find affiliate programs that are promoting dog food products and you can make money of them.
  3. Create a free blog over at or and start writing your own content. - When you'll start getting traffic to your blog, some visitors will click on the dog food banners and they might buy dog food products. If they are, you are making money my friend.
  4. Keep updating the blog - If you want to make some good money out of blogging and promote your blog in the search engines, you must update your blog on a regular basis.
  5. Talk about your blog - Announce your blog on Twitter, Facebook, Digg and other social networking sites. Let everyone know about your blog.
  6. Get backlinks - Create links to your blog from forums, other blogs and article directories. This way your blog will get higher rank in the search engines.
Want to learn more about how to make money online by blogging? Get into my site Make Money Blogging Online.

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